Sound Creations was founded by Simeon Amburgey and his wife Deborah. Sound Creations, Inc. is a ministry resource company with the purpose of providing recording, arranging and other resources for worship leaders and song writers.

PraiseTracks are musical arrangements in MIDI or audio format. They can be used in worship services, small groups or any situation where a group desires to lift up Praise and Worship to the Lord.

PraiseTracks can be played back on many devices from keyboard workstations, portable keyboards, laptops and just about any device that can play back a MIDI file. I have even played them back from my cell phone.

To get the most out of our PraiseTracks playing them back from a keyboard it must must be General Midi compatible. A “GM” logo should appear somewhere on your keyboard. To get them into your keyboard a “Floppy Drive” is sometimes necessary.

Many newer keyboards have USB ports to allow you to transfer files using a USB memory or flash drive. Both of the previous options require that you also have a host computer that the files are stored on in order to transfer them to your keyboard. If you have additional questions please contact us and we would be glad to help you get things going.

When you place your order we receive an email confirmation. We then assemble your order and send you an email with the order details along with a “ZIP” file attachment. This file will contain all of the files you have ordered along with the relevant songsheets.

Quality. In our opinion of the thousands of midi files available on the Internet you will not find any that reflect the quality and care that goes into producing each and every one. We also try to offer the very latest titles as well as the classics in order to meet the vast variety of music ministries in the body of Christ. We also offer unprecedented service if there should ever be a question or problem with your order.

Of course. Our customers and visitors are the reason we are doing what we are doing. Your requests make sure we stay on target with what new titles to add in the future.

You can use them in your congregational worship services, prayer group meetings, special events or any other time you need musical accompaniment for an event.

Yes. You are not allowed to use them for recording purposes (such as creating a CD for sale). You Also may not copy, share or distribute any PraiseTrack midi file due to copyright and licensing agreements. You also may not alter the midi file in any way for the purpose of redistribution or posting on a website. All embedded copyright information must remain intact.

The best way is to keep checking back with us from time to time. Also you may want to sign up for our E-Newsletter. We send out announcements when something special is added or news we think you might be interested in.

You’ve come to the right place. We can help you arrange and produce a professional demo of your song even an entire recording project to be released on CD. We can also help you with lyric writing, copyright registration or any other question you might have regarding bringing your songs to life just contact us.

Yes. As a matter of fact it may already be there. Many Email providers such as Hotmail, AOL, Bellsouth and others utilize a strict “Spam” enforcement policy, so strict that sometimes the mail you really need is not getting through.

One thing is to check your “Junk Mail” settings and look in your “Junk Mail” or “Spam” folder to see if you have received anything.  Also make sure the email address orders@soundcreationsinc.com is in your address book or approved senders list.  We are working hard with all providers to ensure you receive your order.

If yo sutil need help feel free to contact us directly.


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