MADRID, SPAIN: Heritage Audio is proud to announce availability of SYMPH EQ — executed as a stereo mix-enhancing plug-in that readily recreates its SYMPH EQ notable namesake released in hardware form to widespread critical acclaim as a single rack space-occupying master bus-/mastering-orientated unit taking its full (STEREO ASYMPTOTIC EQUALIZER) name from the shape obtained by its shelving curves (where the boosted or cut amplitude increases until the asymptotic value is reached, so sub lows and ultra highs are always controlled), having successfully replaced the Baxandall shelving EQ topology to which the vintage-sounding recording equipment developer originally turned for inspiration with a functional equivalent whose sound can only be described as tight, sweet, and natural — as of December 2…
It is fair to say that Heritage Audio’s 19-inch rack-mountable SYMPH EQ has pleasantly surprised every engineer, musician, and sound designer who has had the pleasure of making its acquaintance since its January 2021 release with an SSP (Standalone Selling Price) of €1,549.00 EUR (including VAT) in the EU and a MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) of $1,499.00 USD — an admittedly not unreasonable price point for effectively bringing back the Baxandall equaliser topology to a wider audience some 70 years after its introduction (when pioneering British audio and electronics engineer Peter J. Baxandall published a paper on what would become better known as the Baxandall tone control circuit — an inordinately ingenious way of obtaining high and low shelves with boost and cut option without using expensive rotary switches — in Wireless World magazine). Fast forward to today, though, and — after many months in the making — the SYMPH EQ plug-in is now available to anyone — including those with not necessarily such deep pockets — who wishes to bring their stereo mix to life with just a few minimal tweaks to the frequency response resulting in surgical-like precision. And all from the comfort of their favourite DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).
With that in mind, SYMPH EQ’s sound can, likewise, be best described as tight, sweet, and natural, ensuring that its users’ mixes will do them proud when held up against any other popular songs being heard today. The mix bus and master bus can clearly be given a whole new perspective and sense of depth, thanks to those tiny tweaks.
The M/S (Mid/Side) mode takes things to another level entirely, however — testing it out should leave no one in any doubt as to how quickly and efficiently they can mould their mix. After all, thickening and giving weight to all the material in the middle helps to solidify tracks and steady the groove, while lightening the information on the sides can extend the overall stereo image and provide more room for the mix to breathe.
But whether using SYMPH EQ in M/S mode, stereo, or even on a mono signal — for which an alternative ‘half rack’ size GUI (Graphical User Interface) is ideally included, setting up the plug-in is actually a very quick process, providing excellent results as the EQ curves themselves are very gentle. Get this though: using parallel equalising to obtain the desired response makes for exceptionally low phase deviation and negligible artefacts to produce a very natural-sounding effect.
Helpfully, Heritage Audio’s goal with its SYMPH EQ plug-in — as, indeed, is the case with its recently released SUCCESSOR plug-in — is to create a tool to channel creativity and put the focus firmly back on music production, which is exactly why the vintage-sounding recording equipment developer wants to reach as many users as possible by applying a pricing scheme that is both comprehensive and fair. For instance, all SYMPH EQ hardware owners can complete an online form (https://heritageaudio.com/sympheq-owners-form/) to redeem a native version of the SYMPH EQ plug-in for free, while that native version of the SYMPH EQ plug-in is also available for free to owners of any i73® PRO family products — offering varying I/O and features as the first ever USB-C audio interfaces with built-in Class A 73-style preamps — by being automatically added to their plug-in collection (here: https://users.heritageaudio.com). Fortunately for everyone else, a no-nonsense price of €99.00 EUR/$99.00 USD is guaranteed. But better still, perhaps, purchasers of the aforesaid SUCCESSOR plug-in can quickly qualify for purchasing SYMPH EQ at a discounted price of only €50.00 EUR/$50.00 USD by simply requesting a discount coupon (by sending an e-mail to here: users@heritageaudio.com). And as if those incentives are not enough to be getting on with, Heritage Audio is also announcing availability of THE MASTER BUS COLLECTION (https://users.heritageaudio.com/product/the-master-bus-collection/), bundling both SYMPH EQ and SUCCESSOR together for €149.00 EUR/$149.00 USD. Truly, then, the vintage-sounding recording equipment developer cannot say fairer than that.
The native version of SYMPH EQ is available to purchase — as a 64-bit AAX-, AU-, and VST3-format-compatible effect plug-in for MacOS (10.15.7 and higher, with both INTEL and Native Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3/M4s compatibility) and Windows (10 and 11) — directly from Heritage Audio here: https://users.heritageaudio.com/product/sympheq
An iLok account is required for SYMPH EQ activation. (If running SYMPH EQ in trial mode, note that the trial will be fully functional for 14 days after activation.)
About Heritage Audio (www.heritageaudio.com)
Heritage Audio was founded in 2011 by Peter Rodriguez. As a civil engineer and music producer, he went from building wind turbines to following his true passion — developing recording equipment with the vintage sound that he himself admired so much and so many others yearned for. Fortunately for all, he was able to master the key elements necessary to make high-quality recording gear affordable and reliable by combining his analytical mindset with his experience as a producer within a relatively short space of time. Today, the 15-person team has expanded its production plant located in the heart of Madrid, Spain, where it collectively continues to follow a philosophy of making vintage sound possible for today’s studios, successfully introducing innovative products to rank amongst the most popular brands with top retailers throughout the world.
© 2024 Heritage Audio